Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mongolia Update 7/6/12


Tsogoo made me take the day off because I haven't been sleeping well. It drove me a little crazy but wasn't too bad. Tsegii came and joined us today. Before she got here, Tsogoo was going around, grinning like a little boy, and saying "Tsegii's coming, Tsegii's coming." It was cute. We all teased him about it at lunch time. I've never seen his face go that red. We ended up not being able to go back to UB today because we couldn't get our train tickets changed.
This evening, I went to church with the girls and we taught children's church for about twenty kids ranging in age from probably four to thirteen. The two girls who listened to my testimony were there. After some songs, I taught the lesson with Tsoomoo translating for me. I think it went pretty well. Tonight, Namjaa came to see Tsegii and we played Chinese Checkers and Dutch Blitz with her and her daughter. Urynga, Tsoomoo, the daughter, and I kept playing Dutch Blitz after Tsegii and Namjaa left to talk. We all ended up back in the main room for a late (after 10) supper of bread and noodles. Namjaa's grandbaby fell asleep on Urynga's bed. The way Temuujin was watching him was very sweet and tender. He really loves children.

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