Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mongolia Update 6/20/12


God heard our prayers last night and while it is still definitely a battle, He is opening doors and leading the way. Our team had about four meetings with the county governor today and one with the principal.
Naraa and Tsegii heading to talk to the county governor...again

I was wondering this afternoon what we are even doing here; the principal is so hard and on top of that Tsogoo and I learned from the county governor that we can't do any herder trainings here because they are "busy" and "too far away." How insanely frustrating! I was sitting on the dormitory steps this afternoon, getting some air and wrestling with this whole purpose thing in my heart. Tsogoo came and sat with me and even though he speaks English, I don't define words well and in my frustration I couldn't thoroughly communicate what I was trying to. That dang language barrier got to me even with my own teammate. Argh! I read Job 38:2 and 40:1-5** and had to wonder if I was the one darkening the Lord's presence with no understanding.

Later this afternoon, Naraa, Kherlan, and I played with the children. They speak about as much English as I do Mongolian but smiles and laughter are a universal language. I began to feel like maybe being here would make a difference.

Tonight, we went to Bhynaa's house for supper. Tsegii assured me that it was just meat soup. Good thing because I didn't feel up for round three of organ meats! (I ended up with an offal botchz by accident the other night. That was a surprise.)
Bhynaa is so kind to me. She has me lie down in a cool room (I am frustrated more than tired but that's ok), makes supper that I will like, serves me black tea. (Instead of milk tea.) Tonight she gave me a beautiful felt bottle thermos that she had made. What a special gift. Tsegii says she is "so close" to receiving the gospel so we must pray even harder. Bhynaa is currently a strong Buddhist but she has opened her home to us in an incredible way. We eat there, relax there, and Tsogoo and Tsegii have even been able to sleep there in the cooler room.
This evening, Naraa and I were lying in the cool room and talking about boys and dreams, typical girl talk. There is a bit of the language barrier but we still grow close. There is a bond you get with certain people where language doesn't matter so much and you can still communicate what's on your heart. I do adore her.
 Tsogoo, Tsegii, and I visited the one Christian family in town and prayed with them. Tsegii says that they still go to the Buddhist temples sometimes to pray. They need to realize Jesus is the only God and continuing to worship in Buddhist temples and at Buddhist shrines is not good. 
Tonight Tsegii told me that the county governor said we can start English classes tomorrow. Praise God!!

After supper, we came back to the dormitory where we are staying and Tsogoo asked to play soccer. So Naraa and I teamed up against him and Tsegii and had great fun. We even won! Tsegii says they won but they did not.
Kherlan is sick :( I learned when we were getting ready for bed. I guess she hasn't felt well since lunch and tonight she is vomiting. I pray, Lord, that she be well in the morning.

** Job 38:2 "Who is this that darkens My counsel with words without knowledge?" and Job 40:1-5 "The LORD said to Job: "Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? Let him who accuses God answer Him!" Then Job answered the LORD: "I am unworthy--how can I reply to You? I put my hand over my mouth. I spoke once, but I have no answer--twice, but I will say no more." -NIV

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