Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mongolia Update 7/2/12

Zuunbayan, Dornogovi

I only got about four hours of sleep last night so Tsogoo made me take the day off and go back to bed. Actual sleep only lasted about 1 1/2 hours though because it was too hot to sleep. I was bummed about not doing class but arguing was pointless. I helped Tsogoo a bit with lunch, then we went shopping for water and Coke. Temuujin and I went for adult English class tonight and when no one came after half an hour, we came back to the school. Maybe Wednesday they will come. I got out my dried cranberries tonight and the boys are hooked. The bag is 1.5lbs but I don't think it will last long.
Tsogoo took some pictures of the daycare children with Tsoomoo and Urynga today for me. The little ones are so cute. The girls have daycare from 9-1 every day (or a bit later) and provide the children with lunch, games, songs, and a safe place to be.

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