Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mongolia Update 6/15/12

Today was a much better day. Around this time last year, I said that I wanted to be more involved with missions so that I could lead more people to Christ and disciple others. Yesterday showed me that I had drifted over more toward using missions as a vehicle to support my own dreams. Ouch.
The beautiful building where the concert was held
I spent most, no, all, of my morning just waiting around. At least I can find ways to occupy my time. I had a good lunch with Badmaa and Bosca from accounting as well as John from Texas. Then I met up with Tsegii and some of the summer teachers to go grocery shopping for our trip. That was quite fun but getting back to V.E.T. Net was interesting. Tsegii called the office but no one was available to come get us. One of the girls managed to hail a cab and we stuffed two teachers and all the groceries into one little cab. Then Tsegii, the remaining two teachers, and myself crossed the street to try to catch our own cab. We got one after a bit and had gone no more than a few hundred feet when Tsegii got a call saying that a van was coming for us. So we hopped out, crossed the street again, and Tsomoo picked us up. Back at the office, we repacked the groceries for our trips and taped the boxes up. A bit after four, Dulmaa came and got me and we took a bus downtown so I could meet up with Baggai and two other shuttles, Mike and John. We had supper at a Korean place and attended a concert of traditional Mongolian music and dance afterward. It was very good, especially the national orchestra and the traditional ethnic dancers.

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