Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mongolia Update 7/9/12


Tsegii made it with just enough time for us to get on the train Saturday. We got into UB at 8 instead of 9:30 yesterday morning which was nice. I had woken up feeling nauseous and that feeling remained despite taking Ondansetron. I ended up spending nearly all day in bed with a fever, headache, and nausea. I really missed having Tsegii and Tsogoo to take care of me. Sara (a shuttle from Australia) was very sweet and stayed up with me until three this morning. I slept in this morning and woke up feeling better. Around noon, Saraa and I went downtown so I could do some shopping. I only lasted about an hour before I needed to come back and lay down again.
Mist in the mountains around UB; viewed from the train Sunday morning

Tsegii and I on the train

Tsogoo and I on the train

Mongolia Update 7/7/12

Center of Dornogovi

After breakfast this morning, Tsogoo and I left with the county governor to visit some herders. We stopped at three different ghers. At the first was a young mother with two small children and we just talked. At the second home, we drank milk tea and Tsogoo did some training. They also brought a sick kid to us. It had a wound on its right hind leg and the leg was swollen. I won't go into detail but it was pretty bad. We suspect that the kid has a disease called caseous lymphadenitis. We did what we could with limited supplies but the prognosis is poor. Our poor driver darted out the door at one point and the county governor followed him after a bit. Thankfully, her son remained behind and got some great pictures for me. He's definitely got a strong stomach. At our last stop, Tsogoo did some more training and we drank milk tea. I am becoming more accustomed to it. We discussed treatment for mastitis in does and scours in kids. One of the herders was kind enough to let me get a picture with one of his baby camels.
Tsogoo examining the kid

The herder helped us with her kid

Team effort

Tsogoo doing some training
A herd of sheep and goats

Baby camels!

We are now stranded in the center of the province with no money, no ID, and no train tickets because Tsegii can't find a ride from Zuunbayan. We are staying with her friend Saraa so we are safe and have food and water. Tsogoo keeps looking at me and saying he doesn't know what to do. God hasn't left me stranded yet; He will provide.
Bisick, Saraa's cat. He and I became good buddies and had a nap together

Mongolia Update 7/6/12


Tsogoo made me take the day off because I haven't been sleeping well. It drove me a little crazy but wasn't too bad. Tsegii came and joined us today. Before she got here, Tsogoo was going around, grinning like a little boy, and saying "Tsegii's coming, Tsegii's coming." It was cute. We all teased him about it at lunch time. I've never seen his face go that red. We ended up not being able to go back to UB today because we couldn't get our train tickets changed.
This evening, I went to church with the girls and we taught children's church for about twenty kids ranging in age from probably four to thirteen. The two girls who listened to my testimony were there. After some songs, I taught the lesson with Tsoomoo translating for me. I think it went pretty well. Tonight, Namjaa came to see Tsegii and we played Chinese Checkers and Dutch Blitz with her and her daughter. Urynga, Tsoomoo, the daughter, and I kept playing Dutch Blitz after Tsegii and Namjaa left to talk. We all ended up back in the main room for a late (after 10) supper of bread and noodles. Namjaa's grandbaby fell asleep on Urynga's bed. The way Temuujin was watching him was very sweet and tender. He really loves children.

Mongolia Update 7/5/12


We went to bed at 10:15 last night but I couldn't get to sleep until after 2:00a.m. Ugh. I guess the one good thing about not being able to sleep is I get up and study scripture and pray. We read Psalm 119 as part of devotions this morning and when I saw verse 148, I had to laugh. Tsogoo took off with the county governor this morning and spent the day training herders. I was bummed not to go but I am so exhausted it was best to stay and teach English and rest. I did get a two-hour nap which was wonderful. The girls and I went and visited Selenge this evening. I finished my crossstitch while we were there so she could see the finished product. When it came time to say goodbye, I was surprised how sad it made me. I will truly miss her.
This afternoon, five girls came to learn how to crochet from Urynga and Tsoomoo. After about an hour, they had me come and give part of my testimony. Urynga shared her testimony with them as well. The two girls in the front row listened so closely. They are very open and are talking of going to church. I hope they do. Temuujin translated for me and I think it went pretty well.
There were no fights in English class today but Temuujin was helping a student and the boy shoved him hard. Temuujin was understandably angry and scolded the student. The boy cried but from what I understand, Temuujin said nothing wrong, the kid just didn't like the consequences of his actions.
Walking back from Selenge's

The setting sun in Zuunbayan

Tsoomoo and Urynga with two little girls.

Me with some of the girls who listened to my testimony

My crossstitch; a sparrow on a tea towel. I gave it to Tsegii as a gift

Mongolia Update 7/4/12


We had nineteen students in our level 2 English class this morning and twelve in level 1. There were no real fights in level 2 today; a few punches and pinches were given but nothing too bad. I slept all night last night which was wonderful and got a really good nap this afternoon as well. I was able to spend a fair bit of time on my crossstitch which was great. Two of my 2nd level students came by after class to today to visit and try to teach me a bit about Mongolian history. There is definitely a language barrier and a lot got lost in translation but it was good to bond with them. I got to share a little bit about Jesus and hope to maybe present the gospel tomorrow.
We have devotions with Namjaa every morning and while I feel like I have nothing to say, it is still encouraging to me.
Temuujin and I had adult English class tonight and the girls had children's church. I met the county governor  in the hall before class and when I learned who she was, I was glad I had stood to meet her. We had two government men in our class tonight. One wanted to know if you could learn English without learning grammar. Um, not really. The other wants to learn as much as he can and we discussed getting a book to him. Then he said that no, he really wants to come to Colorado to study. So my next project is looking into that.

My students and I

Temuujin with two naughty little boys

Hard at work

Mongolia Update 7/3/12


This thing of getting very little sleep is starting to get really old, really fast. I only got maybe 3 1/2 hours last night and I have no idea why. Tsogoo is worried about me not sleeping so we are planning to go back to UB a day early so I can rest. I argued with him for probably an hour over it because to me it feels like I am cutting out early. I finally saw I don't have much choice though and gave in. It hurt to consent to leave Friday after class. I later realized I was fortunate he didn't take me back tomorrow as he had suggested and that my stubbornness and defiance were probably hurtful to someone who is only trying to take care of me so I thanked him for letting me stay until Friday. Not exactly an apology, I know.
I helped Temuujin with English class this morning. The first class, I physically broke up two students who were starting to fight before class had even started. We had three more fights during class. In one, a student whacked another boy in the head with his text book. What a change from Ulaanbadrakh! However, many are very bright; some too smart for their own good. A couple of the boys worked so fast they got every page in the lesson for today completed and then had nothing to do. A couple of girls brought their little brothers with them. The littlest guy fell asleep at his sister's desk. It was cute but also sort of sad that such a young girl had to bring her toddler brother to English class.
2nd level English class

1st level English class playing "Button Button, Who's Got the Button"

Later Same Day
It seems like everyone but me has had a "bad stomach" on this trip. Praise God that I haven't! By the way, I have apologized now and Tsogoo accepted it. This evening, I went with the girls to visit Selenge. I took along the crossstitch piece I was working on which gave me something to do while the other girls crocheted. Selenge showed me a beautiful crossstitch of grapes she has done; so much better than mine. She was very kind about my bird though and I'm pretty happy with it since it is my first large piece. Her life must be so difficult yet she is always smiling. I admire her so much.
Tsogoo, the girls, and I played badminton tonight. I am an absolutely awful player but it was still fun.
Tsoomoo and Selenge after church Sunday


Urynga....note that you can see the birdie at the top


See.....I'm terrible at this haha

Pretty sky

Mongolia Update 7/2/12

Zuunbayan, Dornogovi

I only got about four hours of sleep last night so Tsogoo made me take the day off and go back to bed. Actual sleep only lasted about 1 1/2 hours though because it was too hot to sleep. I was bummed about not doing class but arguing was pointless. I helped Tsogoo a bit with lunch, then we went shopping for water and Coke. Temuujin and I went for adult English class tonight and when no one came after half an hour, we came back to the school. Maybe Wednesday they will come. I got out my dried cranberries tonight and the boys are hooked. The bag is 1.5lbs but I don't think it will last long.
Tsogoo took some pictures of the daycare children with Tsoomoo and Urynga today for me. The little ones are so cute. The girls have daycare from 9-1 every day (or a bit later) and provide the children with lunch, games, songs, and a safe place to be.