Friday, August 5, 2011

Preparing for ND

I can't believe how fast the trip to Minot is coming up. With Samaritan's Purse, I have to arrange my own transport. I checked into plane tickets but they were too expensive so I will be driving. I will leave from Colorado sometime on the 13th (next Saturday) and arrive in Minot, God willing, on the 14th. I need to start packing and my sleeping bag is in the washer. I also have just a couple forms to fill out and as my tetanus vaccination is up-to-date, I don't have to worry about getting that before I leave. We will be staying in a Baptist church in Minot where there is no a/c but it is supposedly "not bad." Thankfully, they do have shower trailers; I was wondering if we would go a week without showers, something that is not unheard of in situations like this. Our food will also be provided for us; breakfast and supper are at the church and I believe we will have sack lunches at the site.
I will be taking my mom's car as it gets WAY better mileage than my pickup does. I plan to stay overnight somewhere on the way up so that I'm not exhausted when I get there and will just see how I feel driving back. And here is the part where I ask for financial help. As I don't have a job, I do need financial assistance to do these things, such as covering fuel both ways and a motel on the way up. I have been blessed with the opportunity to go before my church this coming Sunday night and present what I am doing. At this point, I do not know if the church will allow me to set up a fund to help offset trip costs and/or help support me. I'm definitely trusting God in this area of finances.
I will be out of touch the week I am in Minot but will try to post an account of the trip between the time I get back and the time I fly to MO for CVM Short-course.
As always, your prayers are coveted. Thank-you and God bless.

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