Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 2 of SP Deployment to Minot. 8-16-11

We were actually working by eight at the second job site from yesterday. I spent my morning tearing up tongue-and-groove flooring with a crowbar. Our crew chief Mike took a sledgehammer to the cast-iron bathtub on the main floor and broke it up so that it could be moved outside easier. The Salvation Army came by at noon with a hot lunch of sloppy joes for us so we'll just save the sandwiches that we made this morning for tomorrow. We finished with the job just after two and after the Bible presentation and prayer, moved on to the next job.
Bill and Mike tearing out wood flooring.

A pile of wood from two houses.

The men at the end of our lunch break.

Contents from houses.

Note the high water line on this house. And the poor people tried to sandbag it too.

Job site #2.

Once again, the water line on the house. And note how the front window is bowed in but not broken from the pressure of the water.


Cathy and Sheri on the hot water heater at the end of the job.

It is a beautiful 5,000sq. ft. home that belongs to an elderly couple. It was obviously their dream home and now will have to be rebuilt. There is mold 6 feet up the walls on the main floor and the basement (finished) is full of mud and dead crawdads. The carpets still squish when you walk on them. We worked hard for about two hours cleaning out cupboards and closets of clothing and groceries that was left behind.

Mold and water damage in the fancy house.

Mold on the walls.

Mold on the carpet. It looked almost like mushrooms.
Tonight after we got back to the church and showered, I was talking to a woman whom I have seen every day since I've been here. I asked if she was here all day every day and she said 'almost.' She and her husband are pastors at this church and the parsonage they were living in has been condemned due to flood damage. So for the past two months she and her family have been living in a 10'x12' camp trailer in the church parking lot. She no longer has a home of her own and yet this woman spends nearly all of each day serving the SP team. Only God can give people hearts like that.

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