Sunday, August 28, 2011

CVM Short Course

As some of you may know, I went to Kansas City, MO, this past week to attend Christian Vet Mission's annual conference known as Short Course. I arrived Tuesday afternoon and went through some disaster training on Tuesday and Wednesday. For the rest of my time I chose to track Short Term Missions so I attended sessions relating to STM Thursday-Friday. Our days officially started at 7:30a.m. with praise and worship and a short devotion. The rest of the day was filled with sessions for our particular tracks and joint times of praise and worship and a fabulous keynote speaker. The day ended at 9:00p.m. with another praise and worship session. While I did learn a lot by tracking STM, I think that what impacted me the most was the keynote speaker, the praise and worship sessions, and the time I personally spent seeking the Lord in the woods. I got up an hour early every morning and took a path into the woods to read the Bible, pray, and just be still in the presence of God. It was a beautiful setting and although the air was sticky from all the humidity, it didn't really bother me. One morning, I think it was Friday, I was going for my morning walk/quiet time and all of a sudden a coyote popped over the hill. My heart stopped and I must have surprised him too because he turned and ran away. That day we got done with the STM session a little early so once again, I slipped off to the woods. I was sitting on a bench just thinking and praying when I heard a little click sound. I looked up and a turkey gobbler was crossing the trail probably 20ft from where I was sitting. To me, these are very special experiences with God's creation.
My favorite lesson that the keynote speaker gave was on honor and how we are to honor others if for no other reason than they are made in the image of God. I really need to get the notes from that one.
God also gave me some peace and reassurance regarding something that has been bothering me for a long time and I may share that later. What I will share was what Dr. Fred Van Gorkom said Friday night at our last group session. He was a fulltime missionary in Kenya for 6-7 years and gave us the wrap up. He said, and I quote, "It's not how long you live; it's how you live." Wow. He also said that he hopes someday Christ counts him worthy to die for his faith. Talk about a man of faith.
It was definitely a worth-while trip and I'm really hoping that I can go again next year.

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