Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting Started

Hey guys it's Em! I cannot tell you how excited I am about this new step in my life. I graduated college last year as veterinary technician and took a job in Saskatchewan. Anyway, I worked at a mixed practice in a rural area for about a year. Then I went on a two-week missions trip to a reserve in northern Saskatchewan. (This was my 9th trip up and they always make my summer.) Anyway, on the way back home I clearly felt God's call to become more involved in short-term missions. To do this, I ended up leaving my job and moving back to Colorado, where I grew up. I sent applications to two missions organizations Christian Vet Mission and Samaritan's Purse. I really felt that this was what God wanted me to do but waiting for acceptance to a mission board is agonizing.
Today I received a letter in the mail from CVM saying they were pleased to inform that I had been accepted into the pool of short term missionaries. I am beyond excited! Getting that acceptance letter in less than a month is something I take as a good sign. I am very thankful that I had a great doctor who also happens to have faith in Christ to write my professional reference and two older missionaries to write my Christian reference. I had already registered for the CVM short-course to be held in Missouri next month, hoping I would get accepted into the pool.
At approximately 1:00p.m. today I received a phone call from Samaritan's Purse saying that they had received my application (I just sent it the end of last week!) and they are in need of volunteers for current disaster relief. Would I be willing to go to North Dakota to help with flood relief in August? Now?!? Already?! I said yes and told them I would be available the week of the 15th. A volunteer coordinator is supposed to get in touch with me over the next couple days to confirm the details.
So in two weeks I plan to go to Minot, North Dakota, as part of an SP Disaster Relief Team to help victims of the recent flooding. The following week I am scheduled to fly to Kansas City, Missouri, for 5 days of training during CVM. Part of this training will be by a group called Noah's Wish and they will teach us how to assist animals during national disasters while representing Christ.
I can't believe how fast it is all coming together; there is no other explanation than it is the hand of God reaching out and working on my behalf. May I be used to bring glory to Him as I take this new path.
Please pray with/for me on the following things:
  • That I would bring glory to God and show His love to a hurting world
  • That I would live my life when I am NOT on mission in a way that is pleasing to Him and will not damage my testimony
  • For unity with my team in ND
  • That things would continue to fall into place with both missions organizations
  • For safe travel to and from ND and MO and safety while working in MO
  • That I would seek Christ with my whole heart and truly focus on deepening my relationship with Him
At this point I am not asking for financial support but in the future that will probably be necessary. At this point all I ask for is your emotional and spiritual support. Knowing that I have people behind me, especially those who are praying for me, means so much. We know that our God is bigger than any challenge we will face and so much can be accomplished when His children join together in prayer.

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