I suppose I should give you all a quick update as to where I am in my preparations to go to Mongolia. I received a financial statement from my coordinator at the end of last month and am currently at $3,900. I only need about 1,000 dollars more! It is exciting to see how quickly and generously people have responded to my request. It is my hope that each of you who supports me in some way realizes just how big a part of this ministry you are. This is not my mission, this is not our mission, this is
God's mission. I must remind myself of that on a daily basis. My upper class at the school is doing a fundraiser for me this month and it means a lot to me to have my kids involved. I know that God will bless their efforts for they are His children.
Mongolian camels |
Map of eastern Europe and Asia. Both Mongolia and Romania are in blue |
There is also a possibility now that I may be going to Romania as well at the end of July for a couple of weeks. I am waiting to hear how much it would cost and whether my advisers would recommend I wait a year as I could still be in reverse culture shock at that time. Please pray for discernment as I consider adding on this trip. I would love to go if it is the Lord's will but if it is not, it would be better for all if I don't.
Romanian family with horse and cart |
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