Sunday, January 22, 2012

Change of Heart or Mind?

Up until this point, my motto for this upcoming trip to Mongolia (and all previous mission trips) has been "Here am I, send me." from Isaiah 6. While there is nothing wrong with this per se, taking the Perspectives course has really started opening my eyes to a few things. Perhaps I should say "Here am I, send me so that the world may know." That the world may know what? That Jehovah God is the one true God, that we were all created in His image, that He loved us enough to send Jesus to die for our sins, and that we were made to bring glory to His name. We are to not only show people the way to Christ but we are to bring glory to His name. Our main purpose on this earth is to glorify God. If we are not using our gifts and creative abilities to do that, we are not being just stewards of all that He has given us. It has been said that missions exist because worship doesn't. How true that is! All nations on earth are to exalt and bring glory to God, our Creator and Savior.

If we go on a trip running on our own strength and thinking of all the good we can do for people or for God, then we will quickly become discouraged. We are to be partners with God, servants of the Most High, allowing Him to work through us and use us. We are not to be running ahead, even if our intentions and actions are good. We are to rely on God for our strength and the results of any mission. He has ordained good works for us to do but we need to be constantly in communication with Him so that His will is the one accomplished.

I pray that as the time draws near for me to go to Mongolia, that not only is my mind changed about how I am to view this trip but that my heart is too. I pray that I will rely on God and realize that this is His mission, not mine, and that I will be a willing servant for however He desires to use me.

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