Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mongolia Update 7/4/12


We had nineteen students in our level 2 English class this morning and twelve in level 1. There were no real fights in level 2 today; a few punches and pinches were given but nothing too bad. I slept all night last night which was wonderful and got a really good nap this afternoon as well. I was able to spend a fair bit of time on my crossstitch which was great. Two of my 2nd level students came by after class to today to visit and try to teach me a bit about Mongolian history. There is definitely a language barrier and a lot got lost in translation but it was good to bond with them. I got to share a little bit about Jesus and hope to maybe present the gospel tomorrow.
We have devotions with Namjaa every morning and while I feel like I have nothing to say, it is still encouraging to me.
Temuujin and I had adult English class tonight and the girls had children's church. I met the county governor  in the hall before class and when I learned who she was, I was glad I had stood to meet her. We had two government men in our class tonight. One wanted to know if you could learn English without learning grammar. Um, not really. The other wants to learn as much as he can and we discussed getting a book to him. Then he said that no, he really wants to come to Colorado to study. So my next project is looking into that.

My students and I

Temuujin with two naughty little boys

Hard at work

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